Vengeful Infernal Fiend

Theme/Character Song Claim:
Sound Horizon - Yoiyami no Uta [The Song of Dusk] - Please hear while reading.

Your friendly neighborhood INFERNAL OVERLORD, who reaps the evil.

Read to roleplay with me, contain basic information and personality.

The Mythical Creature born from Tales

ㅤㅤASURA is not his name, he has no concrete name, for he is a mythical and mysterious creature born from fire and prayers. He is strong, strong enough to be hired instead of being enslaved by the Ruler of Hell to reap souls of criminals and demons who break the rule.

ㅤㅤThere's an urban legend on the town that states that if one were to call a certain number on a public phone while leaving a paper of your hit request, the target will definitely disappear without any trace the next day. It only works if the target's a real scum, however.

ㅤㅤHe possesses fire-related abilities. Also to be noted, he is completely Immortal, almost invulnerable to any physical attack. He was also granted a few abilities by the Ruler of Hell to make his job easier, such as;

Sin Perception & EatingDemon Magic KnowledgeModified Personalized HellfireSoul Reading & ManipulationInterdimensional Travel
ㅤㅤHe is, by no means a perfect creature. He has a very troublesome personality.


Asura, or Nick, is a calm and composed person despite his sinister appearance that just screams unapproachable and stern. However, under his calm guise, he'd snap pretty easily and get amused pretty easily as well. He has this habit that he can't really control, which is saying everything that comes to his mind ー simply put, he's blunt. A seasoned veteran who have lived throughout ages, he'd sometimes demonstrate an olden time gentlemen behaviour and offer advice here and there.

He inherited some kind of savior complex from Nick. While it originated because he admired how beautiful Nick's desire was, by saving people all the time from the sinners, possessing the strength and capabilities to subdue evildoers have made him felt like he's the only one who can do it, thus why sometimes he can't leave helpless people alone and help them.


ㅤㅤSince olden times, a foreign land exists. One that no one has ever heard or known of, what others may refer as a Myth. History says from generation to generation that this land has long been infected with something ... mythical, ethereal. A former cosmic being that is trapped in stone for eons is what the people says, and true it is, the former cosmic being whose being has turned into ethereal is now unable to wreck havoc, which results only to be able to influence the humans of the planet to do bidding of his will. This has led the people of the land to be extremely violent and chaotic. It is also to be noted that the ethereal being is injecting its characteristics to the rocks and earth, creating a scenery similiar to Hell on Earth.

ㅤㅤHowever, after centuries, people built a church out of fanaticism that stemmed from the chaotic influence the ethereal being injected to each of every human being living in its land. Little did the ethereal being know, the blazing Chaos God church was the key for him to be able to be freed from the accursed rock of the planet. People worshipped it for decades, slowly giving him the power and acknowledgement, and the belief of it being a God eventually influenced the ethereal being itself.

ㅤㅤThe process took hundred of years to bore fruit, but eventually it is done, the religion named ASURAism that worshipped the God of Chaos, ASURA. The member of the religion kept praying and referred it as a God, and eventually, at a certain ceremonial time where the people of the land burn down the church and rebuild it once again,

ㅤㅤThe God is born. The creature, The Myth — The Mythical Creature born out from the Ethereal Being empowered by the power of the belief of One's being GOD. Born from the flames, from the ashes, and the chaos, people immediately worshipped him as the Dark Lord, The Messiah, and The God of Chaos — yet none of those pleases him. While he enjoyed his short time of reign, he eventually devoured all the souls to empower him even more, and to seek knowledge upon the vast multiverse. Such as the Origin of ASURA.

ㅤㅤLike a newborn baby, knowing nothing of outside world, he ventured from his own dimension, just to be recruited by the Ruler of the Hell. Seeing how similiar their concept of existence is, the Ruler of the Hell took a liking to him — to the point of giving him an education of how the world works, the secret behind the world, abilities, powers, and even a position as high as Prince of Hell.

ㅤㅤHired by the Ruler of The Hell, he was given job to devour, or erase souls of the guilty, and souls of outlaw demon so that instead of being stored in Hell which gives nothing to the Ruler of The Hell, it gives Asura boost of power and forge a good relationship with Asura, so if the Good side wage war on them, they [the hell] have more dominance than the opposing forces.

ㅤㅤThe Ruler of The Hell taught him how to use his power, how humans, who live above them acts, and why is he given such task. He was brainwashed into believing that all criminals are the same, all humans are rotten, they'll end up the same, and the fruit doesn't fall too far from its tree. This gives him a reason not to give mercy to those evildoers, of course, and went to carry out his duty.

ㅤㅤIn this span of time, a lot of people witnessed him in action and eventually called him the Red Executioner, Scarlet Demon. All those originated from his way of killing the outlaws and his demonic and blood-colored appearance. A church was built to worship him, some say he's an angel of death sent by God to cleanse this world. Cue the reason to be worshipped.

ㅤㅤ—However, he eventually find his job to be quite tedious and too easy, if he may say. Thus when a certain musician, Nick, visited the church where he was worshipped, decided to do a ritual to call upon a demon, ASURA instead of any other demon manifested in front of him. The creature from the picture, from the legend, from the rumor, from the myth. All the 12 years-old Nick wanted was a talent, a talent for music great enough for him to be the world's greatest. He was curious, of what this child would become, and what of human's depth felt like. ASURA felt like he had been controlled for too long by the notion that all of criminals are evil. Some ... he encountered, were not so .. bad. But, he was taught to not spare those person, cue why he decided to get to know more of Human's complex nature.

ㅤㅤAnd so ASURA gave the little child a talent, accompanying the others to wherever and whenever he goes. Nick is given the award of being the best newcomer of the music world and young genius prodigy of music. Everybody praised him, showered him with affection, parents loved him, world sung of his name.

ㅤㅤHowever, all that came with a price. The contract only allows his soul to live for 10 years, else something even worst than death may happen not only to the contract holder, but to his acquaintance as well.

ㅤㅤ But, at this time, instead of a demon of contract watching over his prey, ASURA grew empathy and human emotion. ASURA watched Nick from zero to hero, from an useless bum that is shunned by everyone, casted away by everyone, to someone of respect and title. ASURA first learnt of how rotten Humanity is and how honest to earth to their desire they are. They'd do anything to accomplish their desire. This developed his hate of humans, with an only exception of Nick, whose heart remained pure and selfless ... not only Nick used the talent he gave to give support to his trash of an excuse family, he also helped many people without expecting any reward, saved a lot of people with his music.

ㅤㅤThe second thing he learnt is that not all humans are the same. They are a creature of myriads possibility that acts exactly mirror of what they have been through, pushed enough to the brink of the cliff, they might just do anything. This was of course all because of Nick, who taught him all those and kept him company since his curiousity struck his head.

ㅤㅤThe third thing he learnt is that humans need companion. Love, friends, and all ... Nick had all of those, a certain someone Nick had secretly admired for all those years, friends he kept close in time of happiness, they were there for him. Nick said to ASURA that humans are weak, they need someone to lean on, unlike him. Unbenknownst to ASURA, however, he had grown attached to socializing and companionship he had with Nick, enjoying each and every time they'd chat, interact, and all that. Even though he was his reaper ... he was nice enough to let him into his live, and be his friend. For that, ASURA was .. grateful, he truly is.

ㅤㅤBut, the happiness was short-lived. The span time of 10 years is coming to a close, the show that he kept on running for a few days were destroyed in just a mere few days he tried to extend his contract. Nick fell into a life-threatening sickness, his limbs stopped working, his family are dying day by day, his friends ... were not there ... ASURA is enraged by the very thought of those scum that befriended him only for status. Nick, however, stopped ASURA before he could do anything, and asked him to put out of his suffering before all of his relatives die. However, ASURA cannot possibly do something like that. He CANNOT. He REFUSES to kill his only friend, the only person and human he believes to be the most virtue of earth.

❝... Please, ASURA. I don't want any of my family nor friend to suffer anymore, so ... please.❞

ㅤㅤ... And thus, he was once again reminded of how beautiful of a human he was ... to his last dying wish, what else could he say but yes, and comply to him ... ?

❝Farewell, my one and only human friend. Allow me to put you to a rest inside me.❞

ㅤㅤIn an attempt to honor Nick as his first human friend, instead of letting it rot to dead, to assure Nick's friend and relations, Asura took his body instead and made it his own. Afterall, watching Nick have fun, suffering, and all those hardships ... made him felt like he was responsible. He was the one to brought him such tragedy. He should've told him to go away and live his life, yet because of his own selfish desire, he dragged the boy into his hell on earth.

ㅤㅤHis selfless desire emerged somewhere between this span of time. It was presumably because he merged with Nick and personally took on his soul, instead of devouring it and recycling it into of his minions. He understood of what Nick was trying to achieve with his remaining time of live and talent, he was indeed a really naive idealist. It's not like he wanted a world with no conflict ... he just wanted people in his view not to shed tear. He had no intention to be praised as good man, hero, none of like that. He just wanted a result where everybody would be happy.

Asura admired Nick's desire because it was beautiful. B̶u̶t̶ ̶n̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶f̶e̶e̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶o̶w̶n̶,̶ ̶a̶ ̶h̶y̶p̶o̶c̶r̶i̶s̶y̶.̶ H̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶h̶e̶r̶i̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶N̶i̶c̶k̶.̶ Driven by his obssessive need to help someone, Asura found a new reason to stay on this earth, Asura took upon his job of being an executioner once again, where he's best at, killing rotten people that he was given lesson to despise, and the kind of people who shunned people like Nick. To him, it was a salvation, being able to help good people, keeping the bad away. A̶n̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶k̶e̶p̶t̶ ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶i̶n̶g̶,̶ ̶n̶e̶i̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶i̶c̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶a̶i̶n̶ ̶n̶o̶r̶ ̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶w̶r̶o̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶.̶ ̶I̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶f̶a̶k̶e̶.̶ Asura has stayed as an immortal from the 15th century until now. During the time, many addressed him as the Man in Grey, the judge, the reaper. Though, in modern times where mythical things are rejected, his power as a God has drastically went down as the believer of his church is slowly disappearing, and his existence as a reaper is denied.

Even so, he will keep reaping... with class, As an Angel of Death he is, as a maestro ... No, a Person, a Human, Nick is.


Notable Names

Notable Names 
Notable Epithet(s): 
Vengeful Infernal Fiend 
Red Executioner 
Damned Overlord 
Man in Grey 
Scarlet Demon 

Personal Status

Personal Status 
Gender:Male, ♂
Age:Unknown, approximately 328 years old
Height:181 cm
Weight:65 kg
Race:'God'/Mythical Creature


Face Claim:Antonio Salieri from Fate Grand Order
Voice Claim:Toshiyuki Morikawa

If one wanted to be what people fear as a Reaper, then of course one has to possesses the very capabilities to induce terror, fear, and superiority upon others.

Superhuman Feats;
Superhuman Strength: Asura possesses superhuman strength sufficient to lift up to 25 tons under normal circumstances, however if desired he could, given the divine nature of his powers increase them to incalculable levels.Superhuman Durability: Asura is highly resistant to the point of being basically immune to all types of earthly physical damage, when he got his head blown off, he regenerated instantly without any discomfort, only divine/supernatural weapons can harm Asura. Asura is capable of withstanding great impact forces, temperature and pressure extremes, powerful energy blasts, and falls from great heights without sustaining injury. Asura's body is for all intents immune to physical injury, as he is evidently not able to feel pain and is able to survive with no apparent discomfort no matter how severe the injury (unless a weapon forged from Heaven itself is used against him).Superhuman Agility: His own being, enchanced by his magic grants him enhance reflexes, coordination, dexterity and accuracy.

Hellfire Manipulation: Also known as Infernal Pyrokinesis. Asura possesses the ability to generate, control, and project mystical fire, or "hellfire" at will. Hellfire is an ethereal and supernatural flame that burns the soul of a person and can also be used to burn their physical body. He can utilize this fire in various ways;

Hellfire Projection: He can spew the fire from his eyes, mouth, hands and chest, including channeling the fire from his body into his weapons such as his staff. Hellfire Forgery: He is able to construct various things such as walls, weapons, etc.Hellfire Telekinesis: He can also control hellfire infused objects through his mind.Hellfire Attacks: In addition to projecting and infusing hellfire, he can perform a number of attacks. He can create hellfire balls, spew out a massive wave and unleash omnidirectional explosions that are incredibly powerful.

Regenerative Healing Factor:
Despite his invulnerability to conventional forms of injury, objects such as weapons forged in heaven/supernatural weapons, can actually harm the Asura to a certain extent. However, if his being is damaged, the magical energies imbuing him allows Asura to instantly regenerate any and all damage done, even to the point of fully regenerating lost limbs in moments, and regenerating his head after it was destroyed in seconds without any discomfort or any evident pain.

Sin Manipulation;

Sin Perception: In addition to read the heart and souls of his victims, he also read, feel and sense the sorts of sins the individual has committed in the rest of their life.Sin Eating: Also known as Sin Removal. Asura can remove/absorb any sort of sin from the individual if so desires.

Soul Manipulation;
Asura is capable of using the souls he have taken throughout his life as a soldier, doing his bidding via music he plays on his magical instrument or conducting with his baton. As Death God, he possesses many skills regarding Soul and Death.

Soul Reading: As stated above, he can read the souls of his victims and judge their innocence and guilt, their sins and identity.Soul Consumption: He can consume souls if the individual is degenerate and heartless. Well, nevertheless he can still consume soul if he felt like it.Soul Controlling: Everything has a soul, thus he can control everything that has a soul - akin to a telekinesis.Death.

Dimensional Travel:
Asura is able to traverse different dimensions. He can open fire vortexes with magic to escape other realms.

Eleven. (Victoria Argentein)

More details to be added Later!